Meet the Team – Kate

For the latest in our series of Meet the Team interviews, we welcome our friendly and knowledgeable new sales and design co-ordinator Kate Hill, your first point of contact on your Plankbridge journey

Can you tell us how you came to join the team?

I’ve been working alongside Plankbridge for the past two years, organising the delivery of the shepherd’s huts through a specialist transport company I run with my husband Carl. It’s proved a great introduction to the business, as I’ve been involved with everything from planning routes and booking ferries for overseas deliveries to meeting customers in their homes to discuss logistics. I’ve always had a great relationship with Plankbridge, and with my children now both at school, when the opportunity came up to join the team, I jumped at it.

Before that, I worked for a long time at Marks & Spencer. To me, Plankbridge and Marks & Spencer share the same strong brand values – they are both market leaders in innovation, always one step ahead of the competition.

What does your role at Plankbridge involve? 

I’m the first point of contact with our customers. I love speaking to people, hearing about their projects and working closely with them to achieve their goals. Every customer is different – whether they’re planning a commercial glamping site or a garden retreat – and it’s lovely being able to accompany them on their hut journey. I do genuinely care about our customers and I want them to know they can call me if they have any questions.

Custom Made hut at Elmley Nature Reserve
Hut delivery to the New Forest

What does a typical day look like?

There is no typical day! I can be discussing paint options with a customer, planning a route to the US or catching up with someone about the progress of their planning permission – the variety is what keeps my job fun and interesting!

Lodge huts arriving in the USA

If I could have any Plankbridge hut…

I’d have the divine yellow hut that featured recently on our Instagram feed. I think it represents me in hut form – sunny and cheerful!

Barrow at Glamping at Wallop’s Wood | Custom Made hut
Barrow in the meadow at Glamping at Wallop’s Wood

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I’m a keen gardener, with a particular focus on plants for bees and butterflies. I always say that the colour scheme of my garden is that there is no colour scheme – it’s a typical cottage garden full of colour, and a lovely space for my two young children and Spanish rescue dog Teddy Bear to play in.

What do you enjoy most about working at Plankbridge?

It’s a great team of people and there’s a lovely atmosphere in the workshop. It sounds strange but I love the smell of it… when the hutmakers are cutting the wood, it smells like freshly baked biscuits! I also like the fact that there’s always something new and exciting around the corner. We are privileged to work with our customers on their projects, knowing they mean so much to them.

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